Standard red-green-blue (sRGB)
Standard red-green-blue (sRGB)
Standard red-green-blue (sRGB) is a world-wide color standard originally developed by HP and Microsoft as a common color language for monitors, input devices (scanners and digital cameras), and output devices (printers and plotters). It is the default color space used for HP products, Microsoft operating systems, the World Wide Web, and most office software sold today. The sRGB standard is representative of the typical Windows PC monitor today and the convergence standard for high-definition television.
Factors such as the type of monitor you use and the room’s lighting can affect the appearance of colors on your screen. For more information, see Matching colors. |
The latest versions of Adobe PhotoShop®, CorelDRAW, Microsoft Office, and many other applications use sRGB to communicate color. Most importantly, as the default color space in Microsoft operating systems, sRGB has gained broad adoption as a means to exchange color information between applications and devices using a common definition that ensures typical users will experience greatly improved color matching. The sRGB standard improves your ability to match colors between the printer, the PC monitor, and other input devices (scanners and digital cameras) automatically, without the need to become a color expert.